Herald “Welfare Voter Push” Edition

The Boston Herald hit its favorite target – Elizabeth Warren – with a one-two punch this morning, starting with this piece:

Welfare voter push has GOP crying foul
Critics blast state’s Dems for ‘inside job’

The state has mailed out voter registration letters to nearly 500,000 welfare recipients, in a push sparked by a group led by former ACORN bigwigs that critics say is a naked bid to boost Democrats at the polls in November.

The letters, mailed last month by the state’s Department of Transitional Assistance, went out as Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren have been locked in a neck-and-neck race.

The welfare system’s get-out-the-vote push came in response to a suit brought by New England United for Justice (NEU4J), which is led by three former leaders of the controversial Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now. ACORN was disbanded in 2010 amid a voter fraud scandal.

Yow. Then there’s the follow-up:

Brown blasts welfare vote group chaired by Warren’s daughter

HYANNIS — An exasperated U.S. Sen. Scott Brown today said a taxpayer-funded push by a group chaired by rival Elizabeth Warren’s daughter to register welfare recipients is “outrageous.”

“It’s like another thing you shake your head about. Here we go, we have Professor Warren’s daughter leading the charge at taxpayer expense to get welfare recipients out,” said Brown, who added he will fight just as hard for the votes of those on welfare. “It’s not about getting people out to vote, it’s the fact that Professor Warren’s daughter is leading the charge at taxpayer expense, getting out the vote for her mom …I think it’s outrageous and when does it end?”

Yikes – that’s about as high as Brown’s dudgeon gets.

But wait . . . there’s more. The Herald couldn’t resist taking a whack at the group organizing the voter push, hitting the trifecta with a piece headlined, “Group fueling registration doesn’t fall far from ACORN.” (Or maybe they couldn’t resist the pun.)

Regardless, the Globe finally jumped in the pool this afternoon with a web posting:

Scott Brown criticizes efforts to register welfare recipients

US Senator Scott Brown today criticized the state’s welfare department for sending voting registration forms to 478,000 people on public assistance, saying the mass mailing was a ploy to boost the ranks of Democratic voters and benefit rival Elizabeth Warren’s campaign.

The Globe piece also featured this response from the Warren campaign:

“For Brown to claim this is some kind of plot against him is just bizarre,” said campaign manager Mindy Myers, adding that the attack on Warren’s daughter was “ridiculous.

“His entire attack is built on efforts in multiple states to enforce a law passed almost 20 years ago with bipartisan support. Even the Bush Justice Department filed suit to enforce this provision of that law,” said Myers.

And, yes, the Globe did credit the Herald for breaking the story, for those of you keeping score at home.


3 Responses to Herald “Welfare Voter Push” Edition

  1. […] While the Boston Herald is all over this story about a drive to register welfare recipients to vote, the Boston Globe plays catch-up. Details at IGTLTDT. […]

  2. Are welfare recipients not allowed to vote?

  3. […] Herald has sunk its teeth into the EBT Voter Push story and is taking bigger bites every day. Yesterday the feisty local tabloid ran three pieces (to the Globe’s none in its print edition). Today […]

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