Mass. Senate Wannabe Joe K 3.0 Is a Total Weenie

August 10, 2020

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Joseph P. Kennedy III’s primary challenge to Sen. Ed Markey (D-Dad Sneakers) is grounded in nothing but naked ambition.

That, however, has not kept the Kennedy campaign from whining about non-existent attacks from the Markey campaign.

From Danny McDonald’s piece in the Boston Sunday Globe about a pro-Kennedy super PAC ad attacking Markey and the back-and-forth between the campaigns.

[Emily] Kaufman, the Kennedy campaign spokeswoman, said, “None of us have experienced anything like the vitriol, misinformation, and personal attacks launched at Joe and his supporters by Senator Markey’s network over the past several months. It has been horrific. And we think the Senator needs to take responsibility for the tone and tenor of the people supporting him in this race.”


Seriously? As the estimable Dan Kennedy (no relation to Joe) tweeted:



Our conclusion: Joe K 3.0 is a Chapstick snowflake who has run a thoroughly unpersuasive challenge to a sitting senator when there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two on policy issues.

Your conclusion goes here.

Boston Herald: Local News in Danger, Please Send $

August 7, 2020

Well the hardreading staff opened up the old mailbag yesterday and what should pour out but this email from the Boston Herald.


How you can help the local business of delivering local news

Local news is in danger.

Coronavirus and stay-at-home orders have forced many local businesses to close. If a business closes, it’s not likely to advertise. The result has been a dramatic decline in the advertising revenue that supports local news organizations like ours.

To offset the losses, we have furloughed staff, cut back on the size of the newspaper to save newsprint costs and reduced other expenses. We don’t want to do any more of that. Deeper cuts jeopardize our ability to deliver a comprehensive daily report that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in your community . . .

The only way local news like ours will survive is through the support of readers like you.


That’s rich coming from a newspaper whose hedge fund owners at Alden Global Capital have stripped it like a car left overnight on the Cross Bronx Expressway.

(See our kissin’ cousins at One-Daily Town for further details.)

To recap: The vampire capitalists get to suck the lifeblood out of the scrawny local tabloid and we’re expected to provide a transfusion?

Pass the garlic, please.

Lord + Taylor Retail Chain Takes Bostonians for Idiots

August 4, 2020

Venerable department store chain Lord + Taylor, which recently had the bright idea to sell itself to online clothing rental outfit Le Tote, has now filed for bankruptcy protection.

It also ran this full-page ad in yesterday’s Boston Globe.



Drive-us-nuts graf.

Nowhere in all that advertising eyewash (which is actually an insult to saline solution everywhere) does L+T reveal that it has closed every one of its stores in the Greater Boston area.

Call the roll.

  • Burlington Mall, 1320 Burlington Mall Road, Burlington, Massachusetts
  • Natick Mall, 1245 Worcester Road Natick, Massachusetts
  • Prudential Center, 760 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts
  • South Shore Plaza, 250 Granite St., Braintree, Massachusetts


As the local pearl clutchers might say, O My Lord + Taylor!