Globe Beats Herald in Storm Front (Page) Bakeoff

The Boston Herald has long been a self-promotion machine, touting some coverage that led to government action or crowing about its inclusion in the Newseum’s Top Ten Front Pages on a particular day.

But not today, because that latter distinction belongs to crosstown rival Boston Globe.

How’s the Weather?

As the Northeast braces for a potential blizzard for the ages, front pages in that region are doing the same and preparing readers for the impact. AM New York offers a “Blizzard Survival Guide.” “Bracing for a big one,” The Boston Globe warns. Are newspapers still relevant? In times like these, they’re just as essential as milk, batteries, water and toilet paper.


The stately local broadsheet’s Page One:

Picture 1


The feisty local tabloid’s also-ran:

Picture 2


Hey – win some, lose some. But the beauty of the daily bakeoff is, there’s always tomorrow.

Plow on, Heraldniks.

3 Responses to Globe Beats Herald in Storm Front (Page) Bakeoff

  1. […] Read the rest at It’s Good to Live in a Two-Daily Town. […]

  2. […] Boston Herald might have missed out on the Newseum’s Top Ten Front Pages today, but the feisty local tabloid is far superior in […]

  3. […] Boston Herald might have missed out on the Newseum’s Top Ten Front Pages today, but the feisty local tabloid is far superior in […]

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