Hark! The Herald! (Welfare Housecleaning Edition)

The Boston Herald does the full Whitman again, celebrating itself and singing itself over the latest Department of Transitional Assistance, well, transition.

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The chronology of the feisty local tabloid’s coverage:

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The Herald’s reflexive back-patting is smart on two fronts: 1) It reminds readers why the buy the paper in the first place; and 2) It saves money by outsourcing marketing efforts to the newsroom.

Meanwhile, back at the actual news report, it kicks off with some classic bureaucratic doublespeak:

Another top welfare official — who was on the job when the beleaguered agency discovered thousands of EBT recipients were unaccounted for — is on the way out amid a major department shake-up, the Herald has learned.

Stephanie Everett, the chief of staff at the Department of Transitional Assistance, told the Herald yesterday she’s leaving her $77,250 a year post and has no plans yet for another job.

“It’s just a new administration,” Everett told the Herald on the steps of her Mattapan home, referring to new Health and Human Services Secretary John Polanowicz. “I don’t know if it’s cleaning house. They’re doing what they need to do to make sure that taxpayers’ money is spent the way it should have.”


Not cleaning house, yeah? Just a light dusting.

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  1. […] Read the rest at It’s Good to Live in a Two-Daily Town. […]

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