Remembering Sunny Joe White, Twenty Years After

The hardreading staff has no idea who paid for it, but this ad appears in today’s Boston Herald obituary pages.




Don’t recognize the name? Here’s how the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame describes him:

Sunny Joe White was the original Program Director of legendary Boston radio station Kiss 108. The former Beautiful Music station in Medford known as WHIL-FM set the market on fire when it became a full-time disco station in 1979. Sunny was the connection to the stars. As disco died in the early 80’s, Sunny transformed Kiss 108 into a major Top 40 station which still holds national records for huge ratings. When the Kiss Concert started in the 80’s it was Sunny’s relationship with the promoters and record labels that enabled the Kiss Concert to become the preeminent radio station concert in America.


White died of heart failure in 1996. He was 42 years old.

The Facebook page listed in the ad describes itself as “a place for those who were reached by his voice and his spirit to share memories.” Such as this one:




Not sure who LadyD is, but nicely done.

P.S. Here she is. (Tip o’ the pixel to Guglielmo @bzref.)

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